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Is it OK to wear ruby in silver?

Aug 22,2023 | Aurora

I. Introduction

When it comes to jewelry, the combination of rubies and silver can create a stunning visual impact. The contrast between the vibrant red hue of rubies and the sleekness of silver is undeniably captivating. However, before you dive into adorning yourself with a ruby in a silver setting, it is important to understand the compatibility between these two elements. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of wearing ruby in silver, factors to consider, tips for maintenance, and alternative options. Let's delve into the world of ruby and silver jewelry.

II. Pros and Cons of Wearing Ruby in Silver


  1. Elegant Contrast: One of the most striking aspects of wearing a ruby in a silver setting is the elegant contrast between the vibrancy of the gemstone and the coolness of the metal. The bold red color of the ruby stands out beautifully against the sleek silver backdrop, creating a visually appealing and eye-catching combination.

  2. Affordability: Silver is relatively more affordable compared to other precious metals like gold or platinum. If you are on a budget but still desire the allure of rubies, pairing them with silver can be a cost-effective option.


  1. Tarnishing and Damage: Silver is known to tarnish over time due to oxidation. When combined with rubies, there is a possibility that the silver setting might tarnish, affecting the overall appearance of the jewelry. Additionally, silver is softer compared to other metals, which makes it more susceptible to scratches and damage.

  2. Limited Design Options: While silver can provide a sleek and modern look, it might have limited design options compared to other metals like gold or platinum. If you prefer intricate or elaborate designs, you might find more variety in other metal settings.

III. Factors to Consider

  1. Quality and Durability of Silver: When opting for silver jewelry, it is crucial to ensure that you choose high-quality sterling silver that has been properly treated to resist tarnishing and damage. Look for reputable jewelers who use durable and well-crafted silver settings.

  2. Personal Style and Preferences: Fashion is subjective, and your personal style plays a significant role in determining whether wearing ruby in silver suits you. Consider your wardrobe, overall aesthetic, and the occasions you plan to wear the jewelry to make an informed decision.

  3. Occasions Suitable for Wearing Ruby in Silver: Depending on the design and style of the ruby and silver jewelry, it can be suitable for both casual and formal occasions. Assess the versatility of the piece and whether it aligns with your lifestyle and the events you typically attend.

Ruby Solitaire Cut Flower Shaped Resizable Ring

IV. Tips for Maintaining Ruby and Silver Jewelry

  1. Clean Regularly: To prevent tarnishing, clean your silver jewelry regularly using a soft cloth or a specialized silver cleaning solution. This will help restore its shine and maintain its beauty.

  2. Proper Storage: Store your ruby and silver jewelry in a cool and dry place, preferably in a tarnish-resistant jewelry box or pouch. This will protect it from exposure to air and humidity, minimizing the risk of tarnishing.

  3. Avoid Harsh Chemicals and Extreme Temperatures: Keep your jewelry away from harsh chemicals such as chlorine, bleach, or household cleaners. Additionally, avoid exposing your jewelry to extreme temperatures as it can cause damage to both the ruby and the silver setting.

Blood Ruby Silver Ring

Blood Red Sterling Silver And Ruby Ring

V. Alternative Options to Wearing Ruby in Silver

  1. Other Metal Options: If you desire a more durable metal for your ruby, consider alternatives like gold or platinum. These metals offer greater longevity and resistance to tarnishing, ensuring that your ruby jewelry remains pristine.

  2. Different Gemstone Choices: If the combination of ruby and silver doesn't meet your preferences, explore different gemstone options that complement silver settings. Sapphires, emeralds, or even colored diamonds can create stunning and unique pieces of jewelry.

Sun Rays Ruby Ring

VI. How to wear Ruby

To wear a ruby, consider the following tips:

1. Choose the right jewelry piece: Rubies can be incorporated into various types of jewelry, including rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, or even brooches. Decide which type of jewelry you prefer and select a design that showcases the ruby beautifully.

2. Consider the occasion and outfit: Determine the occasion for which you plan to wear the ruby jewelry. For formal events, such as weddings or parties, opt for more extravagant and statement pieces. For everyday wear, choose simpler and more versatile designs. Additionally, consider how the ruby jewelry will complement your outfit in terms of colors and style.

3. Balance the size and proportion: When selecting ruby jewelry, consider your body frame and personal style. Larger rubies make a bold and eye-catching statement, while smaller ones offer a more delicate and understated look. Find a size and proportion that suits your preference and enhances your overall appearance.

4. Coordinate with other jewelry: If you plan to wear other jewelry pieces, ensure they complement each other. Pay attention to metal types, gemstones, and overall aesthetics. For example, pairing a ruby ring with ruby earrings or a ruby pendant can create a coordinated and elegant look. However, avoid overloading on ruby jewelry to maintain a balanced and tasteful ensemble.

5. Consider the setting: The setting of the ruby jewelry can significantly impact its overall look. Choose a setting that enhances the beauty of the ruby while providing adequate protection. Common settings for rubies include prong settings, bezel settings, or halo settings. Each setting offers a different aesthetic, so select the one that appeals to you the most.

6. Wear with confidence: Ultimately, wearing ruby jewelry is about expressing your personal style and confidence. Embrace the vibrant red color and the symbolic meaning of passion and love associated with rubies. Wear your ruby jewelry with pride and let it enhance your overall look and attitude.

Remember, there are no strict rules when it comes to wearing rubies. Feel free to experiment with different styles, settings, and combinations to find what suits your personality and makes you feel beautiful and empowered. Enjoy the enchanting allure of rubies and let them make a statement every time you wear them.

VII. Conclusion

Wearing ruby in a silver setting can create a captivating and affordable piece of jewelry. However, it is essential to consider the pros and cons, as well as factors like quality, personal style, and occasion suitability. With proper maintenance and care, your ruby and silver jewelry can remain beautiful for years to come. Remember that there are alternative metal options and gemstone choices available if the combination of ruby and silver doesn't meet your desired aesthetic. Make an informed decision that aligns with your preferences and enjoy adorning yourself with the beauty of ruby jewelry in a silver setting.

