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Can you drink moonstone water?

Aug 23,2023 | Aurora


Moonstone, with its ethereal beauty, has long captivated the human imagination. This radiant gemstone is esteemed not just for its aesthetic appeal but also for its potential metaphysical properties. In recent years, the concept of infusing water with moonstone energy has gained popularity. But can you really drink moonstone water? In this blog post, we will explore the properties and benefits of moonstone, provide a guide on preparing moonstone water, discuss the safety considerations, and delve into other uses of moonstone in spiritual practices. Get ready to uncover the mystical allure of moonstone and discover whether drinking moonstone water is a possibility.

I. Properties and Benefits of Moonstone

  1. Meaning and Symbolism of Moonstone Moonstone derives its name from its enchanting sheen, reminiscent of the moon's luminous glow. It has been revered throughout history for its connection to lunar energy, intuition, and feminine energies. In various cultures, moonstone is believed to symbolize new beginnings, inner growth, and emotional harmony.

  2. Spiritual and Healing Properties Moonstone is often associated with spiritual and healing qualities. It is believed to enhance intuition, promote emotional healing, and facilitate spiritual growth. The gentle energy of moonstone is said to calm and soothe emotions, aiding in stress relief and promoting inner peace.

  3. Potential Benefits of Moonstone Water By infusing water with moonstone energy, it is believed that the water absorbs the stone's vibrations and properties. Drinking moonstone water may potentially offer benefits such as emotional balance, enhanced intuition, and increased spiritual awareness. However, it's important to approach the topic with an open mind and understand that individual experiences may vary.

Romantic Gift Natural Moonstone Pendant Necklace

Romantic Gift Natural Moonstone Pendant Necklace

II. Preparing Moonstone Water

  1. Choosing the Right Moonstone When selecting a moonstone for creating moonstone water, opt for a high-quality stone that resonates with you. Moonstones come in different colors, including white, peach, and rainbow varieties. Trust your intuition and choose a stone that attracts you on a personal level.

  2. Cleansing and Charging the Moonstone Before using a moonstone for infusing water, it is crucial to cleanse it of any negative energies it may have accumulated. You can achieve this by placing the stone under running water, burying it in salt or earth, or using other cleansing rituals such as smudging. Once cleansed, charge the stone by exposing it to the light of the full moon or sunlight for several hours.

  3. Different Methods of Infusing Water with Moonstone Energy There are several methods to infuse water with moonstone energy. Here are a few popular techniques:

    a. Direct Method: Place a cleansed and charged moonstone directly into a glass or bottle of water. Let it sit overnight or for several hours, allowing the water to absorb the stone's energy.

    b. Indirect Method: If you have concerns about the direct contact of the stone with water, place the moonstone in a clean container beside the water vessel. The energy from the crystal will still affect the water.

    c. Energetic Transfer: Hold the cleansed and charged moonstone in your hand while visualizing its energy transferring to the water. This method involves focused intention and can be combined with meditation or affirmations.

III. Drinking Moonstone Water: Safety and Guidelines

  1. Is it Safe to Drink Moonstone Water? While many people have reported positive experiences with moonstone water, it's important to consider safety factors. Moonstone is generally considered non-toxic, but if you have concerns or medical conditions, consult a healthcare professional before consuming moonstone-infused water.

  2. Dosage and Frequency Recommendations There are no set guidelines for dosage or frequency when it comes to drinking moonstone water. It is best to start with small amounts and observe how your body responds. Listen to your intuition and drink it when you feel drawn to it. Remember that moonstone water is not a substitute for medical treatment or professional advice.

  3. Potential Precautions and Contraindications Moonstone water may not be suitable for everyone. Pregnant women, individuals with specific medical conditions, or those on medication should exercise caution and seek professional guidance before consuming moonstone-infused water. Additionally, remember that personal experiences and sensitivities can vary, so trust your own intuition and listen to your body.

IV. Exploring Other Uses of Moonstone

  1. Moonstone in Crystal Healing Practices Moonstone is widely used in crystal healing therapies due to its calming and nurturing properties. It can be placed on different energy centers of the body, used during meditation or energy work, or worn as jewelry to carry its energy throughout the day.

  2. Moonstone Elixirs and Skincare Products Apart from drinking moonstone-infused water, moonstone elixirs or essences are also popular. These can be added to skincare products, such as facial sprays or creams, to harness the stone's properties externally. However, be sure to research reputable sources and consult professionals when creating or using moonstone elixirs.

  3. Incorporating Moonstone into Rituals and Meditation Moonstone holds a significant place in rituals, ceremonies, and meditation practices. Its energy is believed to enhance intuition, promote clarity, and foster spiritual growth. Many individuals use moonstone to set intentions, connect with the divine feminine, or tap into their subconscious during dreamwork.


The idea of drinking moonstone water holds a certain allure, drawing upon the mystical properties attributed to this captivating gemstone. While individual experiences and beliefs may differ, moonstone is valued for its connection to lunar energy, intuition, and emotional harmony. Whether you choose to explore moonstone water or incorporate moonstone into other spiritual practices, approach it with an open mind and listen to your intuition. Embrace the transformative power of moonstone and let its ethereal beauty guide you on your spiritual journey.

