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Can You Wear Moonstone Everyday?

Jan 23,2024 | Eliana

Moonstone is a captivating gemstone that has been admired for centuries for its ethereal beauty and mystical properties. With its shimmering hues and mesmerizing play of light, moonstone has gained popularity in the world of jewelry. But can moonstone be worn everyday? In this blog post, we will explore the versatility and benefits of wearing moonstone on a daily basis. From its emotional and physical health advantages to styling tips and care instructions, we will delve into all aspects of incorporating moonstone into your everyday life. 

Moonstone: A Versatile Gemstone

Before we dive into the topic, let's take a moment to understand what moonstone is. Moonstone is a type of feldspar mineral that belongs to the silicate family. It is renowned for its unique optical phenomenon known as adularescence, which creates a beautiful shimmering effect resembling the glow of the moon. Moonstone comes in various colors, including white, peach, gray, and even blue. Each color exhibits its own charm and allure, making moonstone a versatile gemstone that can complement any outfit or style.

Benefits of Wearing Moonstone Everyday

Now that we have acquainted ourselves with moonstone, let's explore the benefits of wearing this enchanting gemstone on a daily basis.

1. Emotional and Mental Well-being

Moonstone is known for its calming and soothing properties. It is believed to alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional instability, promoting a sense of inner peace and tranquility. Wearing moonstone can help balance emotions and enhance intuition, allowing individuals to make better decisions and navigate through life's challenges with grace.

2. Physical Health Benefits

Moonstone is not just beneficial for emotional well-being but also for physical health. It is said to regulate hormonal imbalances, especially in women, aiding in menstrual cycle regularity and alleviating symptoms of PMS. Moonstone is also believed to enhance fertility and support a healthy pregnancy. Additionally, moonstone is known to promote healthy sleep patterns, providing a restful and rejuvenating night's sleep.

3. Spiritual and Metaphysical Advantages

Moonstone is associated with lunar energy and feminine energy. It is often referred to as the "stone of new beginnings" and is said to enhance spiritual growth and intuition. Wearing moonstone can help individuals connect with their inner selves, fostering a deeper understanding of their emotions, desires, and spiritual journey.

How to Incorporate Moonstone into Everyday Outfits

Now that we are aware of the numerous benefits of wearing moonstone, let's explore how we can incorporate this enchanting gemstone into our everyday outfits.

1. Moonstone Jewelry Options

Moonstone jewelry is a popular choice for those who want to wear this gemstone every day. Whether it's a delicate moonstone ring, a pair of elegant earrings, or a stunning necklace with a moonstone pendant, there are plenty of options to choose from. Select jewelry pieces that resonate with your personal style and preferences, and don't be afraid to mix and match different moonstone jewelry for a unique and eye-catching look.

Exquisite Flower Moonstone Ring

2. Styling Tips for Different Occasions

Moonstone jewelry can be effortlessly styled for various occasions. For casual and everyday wear, opt for dainty moonstone studs or a simple moonstone pendant necklace that can be layered with other necklaces for a trendy look. Pairing moonstone rings with bohemian-inspired outfits can create a free-spirited and mystical vibe. For formal and special events, choose statement moonstone earrings or a bold moonstone cocktail ring to add a touch of elegance and glamour to your ensemble.

Caring for Moonstone Jewelry

To ensure your moonstone jewelry remains in pristine condition, it is essential to follow proper care instructions.

1. Tips for Cleaning and Maintaining Moonstone

Cleaning moonstone jewelry requires gentle care. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the gemstone's delicate surface. Instead, opt for mild soapy water and a soft brush to clean your moonstone jewelry. After cleaning, pat dry with a soft cloth to prevent any moisture damage. It is also advisable to store moonstone jewelry separately from other pieces to prevent scratching.

2. Precautions and Avoiding Potential Damage

Moonstone is a relatively soft gemstone, ranking 6 on the Mohs scale of hardness. As a result, it is important to protect moonstone jewelry from potential damage. Avoid exposing your moonstone jewelry to harsh chemicals, including household cleaners and perfume. Additionally, prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause fading or discoloration, so it is best to store your moonstone jewelry in a cool and dark place when not in use.


In conclusion, wearing moonstone everyday can bring numerous benefits to your well-being. From its calming and soothing effects to its physical health advantages and spiritual connections, moonstone is a gemstone that can truly enhance your everyday life. By incorporating moonstone jewelry into your outfits and following proper care instructions, you can enjoy the beauty and positive energy of moonstone for years to come. So, don't hesitate to embrace the magic of moonstone and let its shimmering glow be a part of your everyday style.

Moonstone FAQs

1. Can women wear moonstone?

Yes, women can definitely wear moonstone. Moonstone is a gemstone that is often worn as jewelry, including rings, necklaces, and earrings, and it is suitable for both men and women.

2. Can moonstone go in salt water?

Moonstone can be worn in salt water, but it is recommended to avoid prolonged exposure. Salt water can potentially damage the gemstone over time, so it is best to remove any moonstone jewelry before swimming or bathing in saltwater.

3. Can you drink moonstone water?

Moonstone water, also known as moonstone elixir, is a popular crystal-infused water that is believed to have spiritual and healing properties. It is safe to drink moonstone water, but it is important to ensure that the moonstone used is properly cleansed and not treated with any harmful substances.

4. What is the hardness of moonstone?

The hardness of moonstone ranges from 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. While it is not as hard as some gemstones like diamonds, it is still considered a relatively durable stone. However, caution should be exercised to avoid scratching or chipping the moonstone.

5. Are moonstones fragile?

Moonstones are not overly fragile, but they can be more susceptible to damage compared to harder gemstones. They should be handled with care and protected from sharp blows or extreme temperature changes. It is also recommended to avoid exposing moonstones to harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.

6. Who should not wear moonstone?

People who have certain medical conditions or negative astrological influences may be advised against wearing moonstone. Those with a history of kidney or liver problems, epilepsy, or hormonal imbalances should consult with a healthcare professional or an astrologer before wearing moonstone.

7. What is the wearing moonstone on middle finger meaning?

Wearing moonstone on the middle finger is believed to have various meanings depending on cultural and spiritual beliefs. In some traditions, it is associated with balancing emotions, enhancing intuition, and promoting harmony in relationships. However, the specific meaning can vary, so it is important to consider personal beliefs and cultural contexts.

8. Rainbow moonstone vs opal: What's the Difference?

Rainbow moonstone and opal are both beautiful gemstones known for their iridescent colors, but they have distinct differences. Rainbow moonstone is a variety of labradorite feldspar, while opal is a hydrated amorphous form of silica. Rainbow moonstone often exhibits a blue sheen or adularescence, while opal can display a wide range of vivid colors. In terms of hardness, opal is generally softer and more prone to damage compared to moonstone. Additionally, the price and availability of these gemstones may vary.

