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What Does a Ruby Ring Symbolize?

Jan 27,2024 | Eliana

Ruby rings have captivated the hearts of people for centuries. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, these precious gemstones carry deep symbolism and meaning. symbolizing passion, love, power, and courage, ruby ring was believed that rubies represented love and ardor in ancient times, and they were also thought to bring good luck and protection. 

classic ruby ring

Rose Silver Ruby Ring

Symbolic Meaning of Ruby Rings

Symbolism of Ruby Rings in Different Cultures

In Eastern cultures, rubies are highly regarded as a symbol of love, passion, and prosperity. It is believed that wearing a ruby ring can ignite passion and bring harmony to relationships. Additionally, rubies are associated with good fortune and wealth, making them a popular choice for engagement and wedding rings.

In Western cultures, the symbolism of ruby rings revolves around power, courage, and protection. The vibrant red color of rubies is associated with vitality and strength, making them a symbol of courage and leadership. It is believed that wearing a ruby ring can enhance one's confidence, boost self-esteem, and offer protection against negative energies.

Indian Culture Ruby ring symbolizes passion, love, and courage and is often referred to as the "king of gemstones."
Ancient Egyptian Culture The ancient Egyptians associated the ruby ring with the sun god Ra, symbolizing power and the fire of life. Rubies were used as protective talismans and symbols.
Christian Culture Ruby rings are associated with the symbolism of Jesus Christ's blood, representing steadfast faith and courage. They are also often seen as symbols of marriage.
Middle Eastern Culture Ruby rings are believed to symbolize increased power, status, and social standing, and are regarded as the "queen" of gemstones.

Ruby Ring Meanings in Mythology 

In Greek and Roman mythology, rubies were associated with the god of love, passion, and desire, known as Eros in Greek mythology and Cupid in Roman mythology. The deep red color of rubies was believed to represent the essence of love and vitality. It was believed that wearing a ruby ring could ignite passion and attract love into one's life.

Ruby Rings in Astrology 

In astrology, rubies are associated with the zodiac sign of Leo. Individuals born under this sign are believed to embody qualities such as courage, ambition, and self-confidence. Wearing a ruby ring can amplify these traits and bring good fortune to those born under the sign of Leo.

Values and Beliefs Represented by Ruby Rings

  • Love and Passion: The ruby symbolizes deep affection and passion, often being seen as a representation of love, reflecting the pursuit of love and romance.

  • Courage and Strength: It is believed that the ruby bestows courage and strength upon the wearer, helping them to overcome difficulties and challenges, embodying resilience.

  • Good Fortune: The ruby is considered to bring good luck and happiness, representing a bright future and a joyful life.

  • Thoughts and Beliefs: The ruby also symbolizes steadfast faith and thoughts, with an inspiring and creative significance.

The Origin of Ruby Rings

The history of rubies in rings dates back to ancient civilizations, where they were used in jewelry as early as 2000 BC. Rubies have been widely utilized in various cultural and religious ceremonies, symbolizing courage, strength, and passion. Over time, ruby rings became a common choice for wedding and engagement rings, representing enduring love and loyalty. Today, ruby rings continue to be highly esteemed as a beloved form of jewelry.

Types and Styles of Ruby Rings

Solitaire Ruby Rings

Solitaire ruby rings feature a single ruby gemstone as the focal point, drawing attention to its vibrant color and beauty. The simplicity of the design allows the ruby to take center stage. 

ruby adjustable ring

Classic Oval Ruby Adjustable Ring

Cluster Ruby Rings

Cluster ruby rings feature multiple smaller rubies grouped together in an arrangement, creating a visually striking cluster design.

flower cut ruby ring

Princess Flower Cut Ruby Ring

Three-Stone Ruby Rings

Three-stone ruby rings typically feature a larger center ruby flanked by two smaller rubies on either side. These combinations can add contrast, sparkle, and additional symbolic meaning to the ring.

classic queen crown ruby ring

Classic Queen Crown Ruby Ring

Eternity Bands with Rubies

Eternity bands with rubies feature a continuous row of rubies encircling the entire band, symbolizing never-ending love and commitment. The width and thickness of the band can be customized based on personal preferences.

gold vintage ruby ring

Square Cut Ruby Vintage Gold Ring

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Ruby Ring

When choosing a ruby ring, consider the following factors:

  • Color: Look for a rich, deep red color in the ruby. The most valuable rubies have a pure, vibrant red hue without any secondary shades like orange or purple.

  • Clarity: Check for any visible flaws or inclusions within the ruby. Higher quality rubies will have fewer imperfections and better transparency.

  • Cut: A well-cut ruby will exhibit brilliance and sparkle. Look for a cut that maximizes the stone's natural beauty and minimizes any windowing or dullness.

  • Carat weight: Consider the size of the ruby based on your personal preference and budget. Larger rubies are rarer and more expensive.

  • Setting: Pay attention to the ring setting and overall design. Ensure that the setting complements the ruby and suits your style.

  • Certification: If purchasing a high-value ruby ring, consider buying from a reputable jeweler who provides certification of the ruby's authenticity and quality.

Fun Facts

  • Ruby is one of the four precious gemstones, along with diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires. It is highly valued for its rarity, beauty, and durability.
  • Rubies are a variety of the mineral corundum, with their red color caused by the presence of chromium. Other colors of corundum are classified as sapphires.
  • The largest ruby in the world is the "Rosser Reeves Star Ruby" weighing 138.7 carats. It is renowned for its unique asterism, which creates a star-like pattern when viewed under certain lighting conditions.

Things You Should Know...

What Occasions are not Suitable for Wearing a Ruby Ring?

You should take off your ruby ring or other ornaments when engaging in strenuous physical activities or sports, because it may pose a risk of damaging or losing the ruby ring. Also, occupations that involve manual labor, machinery operation, or frequent hand movement may make wearing a ruby ring inconvenient and poses safety hazards.

In certain formal occasions or cultural settings, wearing a ruby ring might be considered too ostentatious or culturally inappropriate. So, be aware of this.

What Scenario Conflicts with the Energy of Ruby?

Red ruby is generally believed to have positive energy, but it may conflict with certain situations, such as:

  1. High Stress and Anger: While ruby is associated with passion and vitality, it may exacerbate extreme anger or stress rather than calming emotions.

  2. Overly Formal Occasions: In very formal or solemn settings, wearing a red ruby might appear too ostentatious or unsuitable due to its vibrant color.

  3. Need for Calm and Rational Thinking: The lively and passionate attributes of ruby may conflict with environments that require calm, rational thinking, such as during thoughtful business negotiations or problem-solving.

Although red rubies are imbued with positive symbolism, individuals should consider whether it is suitable to wear ruby jewelry in these situations to ensure that its energy aligns harmoniously with the environment.

