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How to polish moonstone?

Nov 24,2023 | Eliana

What is Moonstone?

Peach Moonstone Properties, Meanings And Healing Benefits

Before explaining the polishing process, it's crucial to familiarize ourselves with moonstone. Moonstone is a variety of feldspar mineral that exhibits a unique adularescence, a phenomenon where light diffuses and creates a shimmering effect. There are different types of moonstone, including rainbow moonstone, white moonstone, and peach moonstone, each with its own distinct appearance and properties.

Properties and characteristics of moonstone include its hardness on the Mohs scale, which ranges from 6 to 6.5, making it relatively soft and susceptible to scratches. Moonstone is also sensitive to chemicals and heat, requiring gentle handling and specific cleaning methods.

Let's Start Polishing!

Tools and Materials Required

To polish moonstone effectively, you'll need a few essential tools and materials. These include:

  • Soft cloth or microfiber cloth: Used for cleaning and drying the moonstone.
  • Mild soap or gentle jewelry cleaner: To clean the stone before polishing.
  • Soft-bristled brush: For removing dirt and debris from the moonstone's surface.
  • Polishing compound or paste: Choose a specific polishing compound or paste suitable for delicate gemstones like moonstone.
  • Polishing wheel or buffing pad: Depending on your preferred technique, you may need a handheld polishing wheel or a buffing pad attachment for a rotary tool.
  • Polishing machine (optional): If you opt for machine polishing, a rotary tool or a jewelry polishing machine can provide consistent and controlled results.
  • Water or lubricant: Use water or a specialized lubricant to prevent overheating and friction during the polishing process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Polish Moonstone

Now that we have our tools and materials ready, let's explore the step-by-step process of polishing moonstone.

1. Preparing the Moonstone for Polishing

Begin by cleaning the moonstone using a soft cloth or microfiber cloth and a mild soap or gentle jewelry cleaner. Gently wipe the stone to remove any dirt or debris. If the moonstone has any existing coatings or treatments, such as wax or oil, they need to be removed before polishing. Soak the stone in warm water with a mild soap for a few minutes, then gently scrub the surface with a soft-bristled brush to remove any residue.

2. Selecting the Appropriate Technique for Polishing

A. Hand Polishing: Hand polishing is a suitable technique for small moonstone jewelry pieces. Apply a small amount of polishing compound or paste on a soft cloth and rub it gently in circular motions on the moonstone's surface. Continue this process until you achieve the desired shine and luster.

B. Machine Polishing: If you have larger moonstone specimens or multiple pieces to polish, machine polishing can be more efficient. Attach a soft polishing wheel or buffing pad to your rotary tool or jewelry polishing machine. Apply a small amount of polishing compound or paste to the wheel or pad and gently move it across the moonstone's surface.

3. Performing the Polishing Process

Apply a small amount of polishing compound or paste onto the moonstone's surface. If using a machine, turn it on at a low speed. For hand polishing, use gentle circular motions to rub the polishing compound or paste onto the moonstone's surface. If using a machine, lightly press the polishing wheel or buffing pad onto the stone as it rotates. Be patient and work in small sections, ensuring even coverage and avoiding excessive pressure. Continue polishing until you achieve the desired shine and luster. If necessary, reapply the polishing compound or paste and repeat the process to enhance the results.

4. Finalizing the Polishing

After completing the polishing process, clean the moonstone to remove any residue. Rinse it under running water and gently pat it dry using a soft cloth or microfiber cloth. Inspect the polished moonstone under proper lighting to ensure you have achieved the desired results. If any areas require further polishing, repeat the process on those specific spots.

Tips and Best Practices for Moonstone Polishing

exquisite flower moonstone ring

Exquisite Flower Moonstone Ring

To enhance your moonstone polishing skills and achieve exceptional results, consider the following tips and best practices:

Safety Precautions: Wear safety goggles and gloves to protect your eyes and hands during the polishing process. Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling any dust particles.

Avoid Common Mistakes: Avoid applying excessive pressure or prolonged polishing, as this can lead to overheating and potential damage to the moonstone. Take breaks if needed to prevent overheating.

Maximizing Shine and Luster: To achieve a brilliant shine, consider using a multi-step polishing process. Start with a coarser polishing compound or paste and gradually move to finer ones for a smoother finish.

Proper Storage and Maintenance: After polishing, store your moonstone jewelry or specimens in a soft cloth or jewelry pouch to protect them from scratches and avoid contact with harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures.

More to Know

Remember to choose the appropriate technique, use the right tools and materials, and follow the best practices to achieve stunning results. By giving your moonstone the care it deserves, you'll enjoy its captivating allure for years to come. 

However, even with polishing that can restore the smooth and shiny surface of moonstone, prolonged wearing, intense collisions, exposure to excessively high temperatures or corrosive chemicals may cause damage and make the moonstone appear dull. The following will provide you with some tips for wearing and maintaining moonstone.

Avoid Collision

Moonstone has a Mohs hardness of 6 to 6.5, which is relatively high but not impervious to strong impacts. To minimize the chances of moonstone being subjected to collisions, consider wearing it on your non-dominant hand. This helps ensure the integrity of the moonstone.

Avoid Contact With Chemical Agents

Remove moonstone accessories during daily grooming routines, such as applying perfume, hairspray, or shampoo. This precaution helps prevent corrosion and maintains the surface luster of the moonstone.

Regular Purification

Purify moonstone once a month. Moonstone can be purified using crushed crystals, mineral water, or crystal clusters. The simplest method is to expose the moonstone to moonlight during a full moon. However, one should avoid exposing moonstone to sunlight for extended periods, as this may damage the stone.

purify a moonstone during full moon

Fun Fact

Once you've started wearing moonstone, it's best to keep wearing it consistently. Taking breaks from wearing it can disrupt its positive effects on your luck. Some people like to stop wearing moonstone for a while and then start again, but this on-and-off approach can cause conflicting energies between the stone and the wearer, leading to a decline in luck.


