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Can ruby ring be made in silver?

Dec 26,2023 | Eliana

I. Introduction

Ruby rings have long been cherished for their vibrant red hue and symbolize love, passion, and courage. Typically, these exquisite gemstones are set in precious metals like gold or platinum to enhance their allure. However, there's a growing curiosity among jewelry enthusiasts about the possibility of creating a ruby ring in silver. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of ruby rings, explore alternative metals like silver, and determine whether a ruby ring can indeed be made in silver. Join us on this exciting journey as we uncover the feasibility and beauty of this unique combination.

II. Understanding Ruby Rings

Before we dive into the realm of silver ruby rings, let's first understand the significance and popularity of these captivating gemstones. Ruby rings have always been highly prized for their intense red color, which is a result of the presence of chromium in the mineral corundum. The mesmerizing hue of rubies makes them a popular choice for engagement rings, anniversary presents, and other special occasions.

Rubies are known for their exceptional hardness, ranking just below diamonds on the Mohs scale. This durability ensures that ruby rings can withstand everyday wear and remain intact for generations to come. Additionally, the brilliance and fire of a well-cut ruby further enhance its appeal.

III. Exploring Alternative Metals for Ruby Rings

Traditionally, gold and platinum have been the metals of choice for ruby rings due to their luxurious and enduring nature. However, alternative metals like silver are gaining recognition as unique and affordable options. Silver, known for its timeless beauty, offers a striking contrast to the vivid red of a ruby, creating a visually captivating combination.

Silver's natural luster and cool tone complement the fiery brilliance of a ruby, resulting in a remarkable piece of jewelry that stands out from the crowd. Moreover, silver is more accessible and budget-friendly compared to gold or platinum, making it an attractive choice for those seeking an elegant yet affordable ruby ring.

IV. Can Ruby Ring Be Made in Silver?

Now, let's address the burning question – can a ruby ring be made in silver? The answer is a resounding yes! While gold and platinum continue to dominate the market, jewelry designers and artisans are increasingly exploring the potential of silver for creating stunning ruby rings. However, certain factors need to be considered when choosing silver as the metal for your precious ruby.

Firstly, the durability and longevity of a silver ruby ring should be assessed. While silver is a relatively soft metal compared to gold or platinum, it can still withstand regular wear if handled with care. Opting for sterling silver, which is an alloy composed of 92.5% silver and 7.5% other metals like copper, can enhance the durability of the ring.

Natural Ruby 925 Sterling Silver Ring

V. Creating a Ruby Ring in Silver: Process and Considerations

Crafting a ruby ring in silver involves a meticulous process that requires a skilled artisan. The first step is to select a high-quality ruby that meets your desired specifications in terms of color, cut, clarity, and carat weight. Once the ruby is chosen, the design process begins, taking into account the unique properties of silver and the desired style of the ring.

The silver metal needs to be carefully shaped and formed to accommodate the ruby securely. The setting should be designed to protect the gemstone while allowing maximum light to enter and enhance its brilliance. Skilled jewelers employ various techniques such as bezel, prong, or pave settings to create a stunning silver ruby ring that showcases the gemstone's magnificence.

VI. Caring for a Silver Ruby Ring

Proper care and maintenance are essential to preserve the beauty and longevity of a silver ruby ring. While silver is prone to tarnishing, regular cleaning and storage techniques can help mitigate this issue. It's recommended to remove the ring before engaging in activities that may damage the gemstone or expose it to harsh chemicals.

To clean a silver ruby ring, gently scrub it with a soft toothbrush and mild soap under lukewarm water. Afterwards, dry it thoroughly using a soft cloth to prevent water spots. Storing the ring in a separate jewelry box or a tarnish-resistant pouch will further protect it from scratches and tarnish.

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, the idea of a ruby ring in silver is not only feasible but also offers a unique and affordable option for those seeking a distinctive piece of jewelry. Silver's beauty, when combined with the vibrant red of a ruby, creates a visually stunning and captivating contrast. With proper care and maintenance, a silver ruby ring can be cherished for a lifetime.

So, if you're looking to make a bold statement with your jewelry, consider the allure of a silver ruby ring. Embrace this unconventional yet enchanting combination, and let your ring embody the spirit of love, passion, and individuality.

