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How do I Find My Birth Crystal?

Dec 18,2023 | Eliana

Gemstones aren't just pretty rocks – they're like nature's own magic, holding a spellbinding sway over cultures, traditions, and personal beliefs worldwide. From the ancient civilizations to today's modern world, these shimmering treasures have captured hearts and minds with their beauty, rarity, and whispered tales of mystical powers.

different types of crystal

Picture this: wearing a gemstone isn't just about looking fabulous; it's about feeling connected to something ancient and powerful, a little piece of the universe that's uniquely yours. And hey, who wouldn't want a touch of that enchantment in their lives? But wait, there's more to this sparkling story...

What is Birth Crystal ?


Many people find it meaningful to explore the potential connections between their birth crystals and their own attributes or circumstances, and they may use these crystals for purposes such as meditation, healing, or simply as a source of inspiration or comfort. The fascination with birth crystals can also be rooted in a desire for self-discovery and personal connection to the natural world.

Birthday Crystal Corresponding to Each Month: 

natural garnet ring

Natural Black Garnet Ring

The January birthstone is the garnet, a striking gem known for its deep red color, though it can also occur in various shades of green, yellow, and orange. The garnet is often associated with qualities such as friendship, trust, and loyalty, making it a meaningful choice for those born in January. 

February birth stone amethyst

Crystal Amethysts Adjustable Ring

The February birthstone is the amethyst, a beautiful purple variety of quartz that has been prized for its stunning color and metaphysical properties. Amethyst is associated with qualities such as peace, courage, stability, and inner strength. It has long been considered a symbol of sobriety and clarity of mind, and it is often used in spiritual practices to enhance meditation and promote a sense of calm and balance.

aquamarine necklace

Blue Aquamarine Necklace

The March birthstone is aquamarine. This gemstone is typically a light blue or blue-green color and is associated with qualities such as courage, loyalty, and friendship. Aquamarine has been used in jewelry for centuries and is often believed to have calming and soothing properties. It is also thought to symbolize youth, hope, and health.

diamond necklace

 Diamond Necklace

The April birthstone is the diamond, known for its exceptional brilliance and sparkle. Diamonds are one of the hardest naturally occurring substances on Earth, making them highly valued for their durability and luster. They are often associated with love, strength, and purity, and are frequently used in engagement rings and other fine jewelry. Additionally, diamonds are believed to bring clarity, abundance, and inner strength to those who wear them.

emerald open ring

Emerald Open Ring

The birthstone for May is the emerald. Emeralds are known for their rich green color and are often associated with qualities such as rebirth, love, and fertility. They have been prized gemstones for centuries and are believed to symbolize hope and renewal. Emeralds are also valued for their rarity and beauty, and they are frequently used in high-end jewelry to add a touch of elegance and sophistication.

pearl brooch

Pearl Leaf-shaped Brooch

The June birthstone is the pearl, which is unique among gemstones as it is created by living organisms. Pearls are formed within mollusks such as oysters and are prized for their lustrous and iridescent appearance. They are often associated with purity, innocence, and spiritual transformation. Additionally, pearls have been treasured for centuries and are considered timeless and classic, making them a popular choice for jewelry, especially in necklaces and earrings.

ruby ring

 Ruby Ring

The July birthstone is the ruby, a precious gemstone known for its vibrant red color and exceptional brilliance. Rubies have long been associated with love, passion, and prosperity, and they are considered one of the most valuable gemstones in the world. In many cultures, rubies are believed to bring good fortune and protection to the wearer. They are often used in high-end jewelry and are prized for their rarity and beauty.

peridot earrings

Peridot Single Row Loop Earrings

The birthstone for August is peridot. Peridot is a vibrant green gemstone that is believed to bring power and influence to the wearer. It is also associated with good fortune, peace, and success. In ancient times, it was often used as protection against evil spirits. Peridot is found in volcanic rocks and has been used in jewelry for thousands of years.

sapphire ring

Blue Sapphire Ring

The birthstone for September is sapphire. Sapphires are typically associated with the color blue, but they can also come in a variety of other colors, known as "fancy sapphires." Traditionally, though, the deep blue sapphire is the most well-known and sought after. Sapphires are believed to symbolize sincerity, truth, faithfulness, and nobility. Throughout history, sapphires have been worn by royalty and clergy as a symbol of wisdom and purity. These gemstones are often used in engagement rings and other types of jewelry.

opal ring

Opal Ring

The birthstone for October is opal. Opals are known for their unique display of shifting spectral colors, often referred to as "play-of-color." These gemstones can showcase a wide range of colors, making each opal truly one-of-a-kind. Opals are believed to symbolize hope, innocence, and creativity, and they have been treasured throughout history for their captivating beauty. Additionally, opals have been associated with love and passion, making them a popular choice for jewelry.

citrine feng shui tree

Natural Citrine Feng Shui Tree

There seems to be some confusion regarding the birthstone for November. While topaz is the traditional birthstone for November, citrine is sometimes considered an alternative or modern birthstone for the month as well. This may vary based on cultural or regional differences, as well as personal preferences.

blue topaz bracelet

Blue Topaz Bracelet

In some cases, citrine is associated with November due to its warm, golden color that complements the autumn season. It's important to note that birthstone traditions can vary, and different sources might provide conflicting information. As a result, individuals may choose to embrace either topaz or citrine as the birthstone for November based on their own inclinations.

Turquoise Bead Necklace

The birthstone for December is turquoise. Turquoise is one of the oldest gemstones and has been prized for its unique blue-green color for thousands of years. It is believed to symbolize good fortune, success, and prosperity, as well as strength and protection.

Get Your Own Birth Crystal 

If you want to find your own birth crystal, here are several steps to follow: 

  • Identify your birth month: Determine the month in which you were born.
  • Research birthstone charts: Look up birthstone charts or lists that show the specific gemstone associated with your birth month. There are various traditional and modern birthstone charts available, so be sure to consult reputable sources.
  • Consider alternative birthstones: Some months have multiple birthstones associated with them, and different cultures may have their own traditions. Explore alternative birthstones or crystals associated with your birth month to see if there are options beyond the commonly known birthstones.
  • Choose your birth crystal: Once you have gathered information about the birthstones or crystals linked to your birth month, select the one that resonates most with you. You may consider factors such as color, symbolism, and personal preferences when making your choice.
  • Explore meanings and properties: Learn about the meanings, properties, and potential benefits associated with your chosen birth crystal. Many people believe that birth crystals carry certain energies or symbolic significance, so understanding these aspects can add depth to your selection.

Cultural and Traditional Perspectives on Birthstones

Western Tradition: In Western culture, birthstones are gemstones that correspond to each month of the year. The concept of birthstones can be traced back to biblical times, with some scholars believing that the twelve gemstones in the breastplate of Aaron, the high priest of the Israelites, represented the twelve tribes of Israel as well as the twelve months of the year. Over time, different cultures have assigned specific gemstones to each month, and wearing one's birthstone is believed to bring good luck and protection.

Eastern Tradition: In Eastern cultures such as India, birthstones are also associated with astrological signs and are believed to have specific properties and powers that can influence an individual's life. For example, in Hindu astrology, wearing a gemstone corresponding to one's ruling planet is thought to bring positive effects and protect against negative influences.

Modern Significance: In contemporary society, birthstones have become popular as personalized jewelry and gifts, with many people enjoying the tradition of wearing a gemstone associated with their birth month. While some may view birthstones purely from a symbolic or aesthetic perspective, others continue to attach spiritual and cultural significance to these gemstones.

Using Your Birth Crystal

crystal set

16 Natural Crystals Set for Stress and Anxiety Relief 

Tips on How to Incorporate Birth Crystal in Daily Life:

  • Wear it as Jewelry: Consider wearing jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, or rings that feature your birth crystal. This allows you to carry its energy with you throughout the day.

  • Create an Altar or Display: If you're drawn to a larger piece of your birth crystal, consider displaying it in a prominent place in your home as a reminder of its symbolic meaning and significance.

  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Use your birth crystal during meditation or mindfulness practices. Hold the crystal in your hand or place it nearby to help focus your thoughts and intentions.

  • Infuse Your Space: Place your birth crystal in your living or working space to infuse the environment with its energy. It can serve as a visual reminder of your intentions and aspirations

Using Birth Crystals as Talismans or Sources of Inspiration: 

  • Set Intentions: Use your birth crystal as a focal point for setting intentions and goals. Hold the crystal and visualize what you want to manifest in your life.
  • Carry it for Strength: Keep your birth crystal with you during challenging times as a source of strength and support. It can serve as a talisman for courage and resilience.
  • Inspiration and Creativity: When seeking inspiration or creative insight, hold or gaze at your birth crystal to center your thoughts and access your inner creativity.
  • Personal Symbolism: Reflect on the personal symbolism of your birth crystal and how it aligns with your life journey. It can serve as a touchstone for reflection and self-discovery.

How to Enhance the Energy of Birth Crystal

crystal as source of inspiration

  1. Cleansing: Cleanse the crystal by placing it in direct sunlight or moonlight for several hours to remove any accumulated negative energies.

  2. Charging: Charge the crystal by placing it in a bowl of natural sea salt or using other cleansing methods such as smudging with sage or using sound vibrations from a singing bowl.

  3. Intentions: Set clear intentions for the crystal by holding it in your hands and focusing on the specific energies you wish to enhance. Visualize the crystal glowing with vibrant energy.

  4. Meditation: Meditate with the crystal by holding it in your hands or placing it on your body while you focus on increasing its energy and connecting with its specific properties.

  5. Reiki or Energy Healing: If you are familiar with energy healing techniques such as Reiki, you can use these practices to channel additional energy into the crystal.

Remember that enhancing the energy of a crystal is a personal practice, so it's important to trust your intuition and find methods that resonate with you.

Gain Energy From Your Birth Crystal

During the process of finding your birth crystal, you can unlock a deeper understanding of yourself and your unique energy.

Follow the methods mentioned above, you can find your birth crystal and begin to harness its powerful energy in your daily life. Feel the magic and connection that birth crystals offer, and allow them to guide you on your spiritual path toward self-discovery and personal growth.

