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Don't Do These Things With Your Crystals?

Jul 18,2023 | Eliana


Proper care and handling of crystals are essential to maintain their energy and maximize their effectiveness. This blog post will provide a comprehensive guide on the do's and don'ts of crystal care, offering valuable insights on how to develop a responsible and beneficial relationship with these precious gemstones.

The Do's and Don'ts of Proper Crystal Care and Handling

Part 1: Don't Sleep With Your Crystals

When it comes to crystals, it's important to understand that not all of them are suitable for sleeping with. While some crystals, like amethyst and rose quartz, are known to promote restful sleep and pleasant dreams, others may disrupt our sleep patterns or cause physical discomfort. It's crucial to research the properties and energies of each crystal before bringing them into the bedroom.

Instead of sleeping with crystals, there are alternative methods to benefit from their energy during sleep. Placing crystals under your pillow or beside your bed can still provide their subtle vibrations without the risk of discomfort or disturbance.

Part 2: Be Mindful of Crystal-Water Compatibility

Some crystals have a water-soluble nature, which means they can disintegrate or release toxic substances when submerged in water. It is crucial to conduct thorough research on the compatibility of each crystal with water before using them in rituals, baths, or elixirs. While some crystals, like clear quartz and amethyst, are safe to use with water, others like selenite and malachite should be kept dry.

To ensure the longevity of your crystals, avoid allowing them to come into direct contact with water unless you are certain it is safe for their properties.

Part 3: Beware of Crystal-Infused Drinking Water

Infusing drinking water with crystals is a popular practice, but one that requires caution. While it may seem like a great way to harness crystal energy, it's important to be aware that some crystals may contain toxic chemicals or minerals that can leach into the water, making it unsafe for consumption.

Instead of directly infusing water with crystals, it is advisable to use indirect methods such as placing a glass of water beside the crystals overnight to absorb their energy. This way, you can enjoy the benefits of crystal energy without risking your health.

Part 4: Protect Crystals from Prolonged Sunlight Exposure

Excessive sunlight exposure can have negative effects on some crystals. The UV rays from the sun can fade the colors, cause cracks, or even alter the energy and properties of certain crystals. It is important to protect your crystals from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

To keep your crystals safe, store them in a cool, dark place when not in use. If you want to cleanse or charge them using sunlight, do so for a limited amount of time, such as a few minutes during sunrise or sunset when the sunlight is gentle.

Part 5: Limit Access to Your Crystals

Crystals have a unique energy and can absorb the emotions and intentions of those who handle them. It is important to establish a personal connection with your crystals and develop a strong bond before allowing others to handle them. Lending or sharing your crystals can disrupt their energy and may diminish their effectiveness.

Maintaining boundaries is essential when it comes to protecting the energy of your crystals. If someone expresses interest in your crystals, it's advisable to guide them on how to choose and acquire their own, rather than sharing yours.

Part 6: Always Cleanse and Set Intentions for Your Crystals

Cleansing is crucial to remove any negative or stagnant energy that your crystals may have absorbed. This is especially important if someone else has handled your crystals or if they have been in a challenging environment. Cleansing can be done through various methods, such as smudging with sage or using sound vibrations with a singing bowl.

Setting intentions for your crystals is a powerful practice that allows you to align their energy with your desires and goals. By focusing your intentions and affirmations while holding your crystals, you can enhance their energy and effectiveness in manifesting your desires.

Part 7: Keep Your Crystals Close

One of the best ways to benefit from crystal energy is by keeping them close to you. Wearing crystal jewelry, carrying small tumbled stones in your pocket, or placing crystals strategically in your living spaces can help you maintain a constant connection with their vibrations.

Incorporating crystals into your daily routines and personal spaces can enhance your well-being and overall energy. Experiment with different ways to keep crystals close and find what works best for you.


Proper crystal care and handling are essential to maintain the energy and effectiveness of these precious gemstones. By following the do's and don'ts discussed in this blog post, you can establish a responsible and beneficial relationship with your crystals. Remember to research each crystal's properties, be mindful of their compatibility with water, avoid direct crystal-infused drinking water, protect them from prolonged sunlight exposure, establish boundaries with your crystals, cleanse and set intentions regularly, and keep them close to enjoy their positive energy. By practicing these guidelines, you can enhance your crystal experience and reap the maximum benefits from these natural wonders.

